
Wheels & Tyres Removed.

Wheels,weights, valves & centre caps removed.

Safety Check

We will then conduct a safety check on each wheel. Checking for cracks & buckles as well as tyre damage and tread depth. 

Wheel Cleaning

All wheels are chemically stripped to remove any old coatings and contaminents. 


The wheel has any damage removed.


The wheel is then media blasted to create a key for the new coating to grip the surface.


The Wheel is now baked in the oven for 20-30 mins to degass and remove any remaining moisture.

Powder Primer

The wheel now has a powdercoat primer applied and is placed back in the oven for a further 20 mins to cure.

Colour & Diamond Cut

If required any colour is applied and once cured the wheel goes into our CNC lathe to be recut.

Clear Powder Coat

The wheel now has a Clear Powder Lacquer applied to seal the finish and is placed in the oven to cure.


Once the wheel has been removed from the oven and cooled then the wheels have the valves refitted. Tyres are then reinstalled and the wheel rebalanced before being put back on the car.